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Abstract, 8" x 10" in by S.D.H.Designs

Buy Now   $1,248.00 USD

Collection ID: #0x9b57b2310b54cc1b92c7de8ec68bbd41778994ac
Edition Of: 1
Qty Available: 1

This painting is named, "PEACE COMETH" . I woke up feeling a sadness within my heart, as my thoughts and memories are flooded with unwanted images of evil, injustices and unspeakable cruelty that has been plaguing our world. When will we start to experience the PEACE we are all so deserving of? This is the question of the day. This painting, PEACE COMETH was painted according to my feelings and intuitions earlier this year, 2022. As I painted I sense that there was an energy that was directing my thoughts as well as my paints and brushes, as this painting evolved. This energy can also be described as Spiritual guidance, since the images that I was seeing in my heart and mind's eye, was of this world, yet felt as if it was coming from beyond this world! These types of Spiritual experiences are sometimes hard to explain. However we all have had experiences of some kind that are difficult to put into words. Nevertheless, I am sure you know what I speak of because you too also have felt the Energy and have Spiritual experiences. The question remains, When Blessings of Love and Peace to you all!

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